As men it is our honor, and responsibility to discover and empower the divine masculine within us. Within this community we are consciously reclaiming this ancient way of being, and learning to step into our power and pride.
The body is manufactured and sustained by the mind. As men, our greatest tool is our thoughts, from there everything comes to fruition. Learning to discover the inner workings of yourself through spiritual practice, is the foundation of discovering your divine nature.
The masculine grows with challenge. By using fitness as a tool, we are able to clearly see how our mind reacts to struggles. Through this process we increase our comfort in discomfort. By embracing intentional physical challenge, we stoke the fire of the masculine.
The pathway to the masculine begins with reconnecting to your inner child. Here is a short meditation with me that will begin your journey from head to heart, where your inner child resides.
Society’s paradigm of masculinity is fragmented and diseased. We live in a world where the overwhelming majority of violence is caused by men. A tragic example of what power can do without a moral code. I strive to shatter that pattern and empower men to become strong, loving, and passionate leaders in their families and communities.
The voice in your mind holds more power than you know. Establishing an optimistic inner voice will change your life and lead to countless new opportunities for growth. Here you’ll learn a simple & effective practice to cultivate that skill.